Monday, April 28, 2014

The Idea Book

In our classrooms it is fairly common to utilize writing journals. I know that I use mine with my 5th graders all the time. Sometimes it is to begin pre-writes, work on rough drafts, write down important grammar notes that I want them to be able to reference, or for everyday writing prompts. Other times I want them to use their writing journals for their own personal ideas. A personal journal of sorts. I cannot use the word diary or the 14 boys in my class would stage an uprising...

My idea book is just what the name implies. A book in which I write down any and all crazy ideas that pop into my head. Sometimes I will get an entire unit plan that just appears. These appearances do not always come at the most opportune times, but I try to always have my Idea Book handy so that I can at least jot down a few things quickly, something to jog my memory a little later on when I am able to really get my thoughts out. I have used this Idea Book to plan some fun and engaging projects (I try to implement a project-based classroom as much as I can), websites that I use for instructional purposes, and just everyday classroom activities.

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